Letter of Appreciation from Nadowli District

Dr. Eric Asante

Medical Superintendent, Ghana Health Service

We write to acknowledge receipt of assorted Medical equipment and Devices that your organization donated to Nadowli Hospital.

On behalf of the hospital management, patients and the entire people of the Nadowli-Kaleo district, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your kindness and generosity shown us by way of this donation.

We are extremely grateful for your continuous invaluable support to the hospital to improve quality of service delivery especially to the poor and vulnerable. We assure you the items will be put to their intended use for the benefit of our clients.

It is our sincere hope that, this relationship and collaboration between your organization and the hospital will continue to grow from strength to strength for the benefit our people.

May God richly bless you for your generosity.

Thank you.