Ghana Medical Help

Dogecoin Video Raises Money for GMH: Lonely Shibismas – An epic christmas music tale!

Much Thanks to the creators, donors, and viewers of this video from Ghana Medical Help!


Special thanks to Jasdoge who created this video and took the initiative to donate the dogecoin proceeds to us.

Please support Jasdoge by visiting:

Currently accepts Dogecoin & Bitcoin and 100% of DOGE payments go to Ghana Medical Help in December!

Creative commons non-commercial share-alike. Though you can get a license for $10 USD at the link above.

100% of doge payments for the song are auto-forwarded to

Help some people in need this christmas, ’tis the shibe way!

From Jasdog (the video creator)

Holidays are over so it’s time I deliver on what I promised. Here’s a breakdown of what my dogecoin themed music video “Lonely Shibismas” generated for Ghana Medical Help:

  • Song sales on website: 60196
  • Direct tips in reddit post: 50000
  • Dumping Jasdoge’s dogetipbot account: 140844

Total doge raised for Ghana medical help: 251 040 DOGE

The money has gone to Ghana Medial Help. I really wished I could have done more but I tried my best so I hope it helps a little at least 🙂

Ghana Medical Help